ilm international

About the method

Ilan lev

My path to the method

I have been formally certified in reflexology, bio-energy, and the Feldenkrais Method, and all of these methods have supported my work as a therapist during the last 30 years. I have relied on and was inspired by these techniques, on the path of my development and the making of my method- The Ilan Lev Method. The method was developed in order to provide an innovative, interdisciplinary response to the needs of my patients, and has come a long way, to become what it is today.

​Patients arrive with vast areas of complaints spanning from body-aches, motor difficulties to a need to improve their lifestyle. Some arrive for emergency treatments and others for routine ones, mostly after having been unable to find other solutions to their motor and overall body wellbeing-related problems.

​Amongst my patients are many musicians and dancers, including the Batsheva Dance Company and members of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.

Ilan Lev is known worldwide as a therapist and teacher, basing most of his work in Israel, the USA, and Europe.

Ideas and Principles

The Ilan Lev method works towards improving human capabilities and removing functional difficulties. It also treats motor dysfunction, mental limitations and solves issues concerning physical disabilities or handicaps.

The treatment resolves body-circulation issues, relieves pain, skeletal and joint problems, etc.

In the session the patient’s body is gently moved, creating a rich and thoughtful dialogue between the practitioner and the patient. Movement returns to parts of the body where communication was cut-off or stopped due to injury, pain or emotional issues. Dialogue within the whole system is restored. The session is intensive, with endless new material and allows new knowledge to be acquired within the patient.

The main idea on which the method is based, is that the central nervous system, as well as serving as a monitoring system, also delivers new input from the body to the mind, directly to the subconscious in the sensory part of the brain. The logical brain is an obstacle when it comes to unknown information. The sensory part of the brain bypasses this obstacle, as in hypnosis.

This direct reception evokes an unusual, deep and intensive learning process.

Understanding the way this system functions involves understanding the terms- “functional patterns”, ” movement sleeves”, and the relation of “movement-energy-life”. This will be further explained.

The Method is Built on the following 3 Main Pillars:

Discovering the possibility of direct conversation between the body and the mind, thus enriching the Set of solutions for functional issues


Combining these three foundational pillars is what characterizes the method.

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